CAA Membership Information

I. Rights and Duties of CAA Members

  1. Support CAA’s Mission and follow CAA’s Bylaws;
  2. Promote CAA’s mission, initiatives, activities in your local community;
  3. Be an active member of the CAA Family, contribute to the formulation, oversight and advocacy of CAA’s policies, initiatives and activities;
  4. Support CAA’s fundraising activities;
  5. Contribute positive energy to the prosperity of local Chinese community and national Chinese American community, keep CAA board well informed on community activities and legal/political developments which may impact the organization and/or its initiatives/activities;
  6. Study and observe CAA’s mission, policies and regulations. Do not engage in any conduct that would reflect negatively on CAA;
  7. Help organizing CAA national/local events/activities, and attend actively national and local CAA events/activities;
  8. Be eligible to receive member discounts on fees attending CAA conference and other CAA organized activities;
  9. Be eligible to be nominated for the CAA National Strategic team and CAA Board of Directors; and
  10. Be eligible to be nominated as a CAA Officer.

II. Application for Membership and Dues

Membership Application: You shall apply for the CAA membership through our online Membership Application Form by click on this link: Join CAA for Membership. The application will be reviewed and an approval notice will be mailed to applicant’s provided address together with the membership certificate to recognize his/her valuable participation in and support to our honorable cause as outlined in CAA’s mission statement.

Annual Membership Dues: CAA welcomes all Chinese Americans and their friends to join the Family and fight for our shared interests and values no matter if he/she is financially affordable. We do ask our members to give a $25/year membership fee to support CAA operational activities and initiatives. A membership fee waiver can be applied for members and friends who are in financial hardship by sending email to

III. Termination of Membership

Membership may be terminated:

  • By a written resignation of the Member to be received by;
  • By a majority vote at least two thirds of the Board of Directors on default of the Member in any requirement for membership as set forth in the Application for Membership and Dues, the bylaws herein, or any rule, obligation, regulation or policy established by or pursuant to the authorization of the Board of Directors;
  • By a majority vote at least two thirds of the Board of Directors whenever in its judgment the best interests of the CAA would be served thereby;
  • By a majority vote at least two thirds of the Board of Directors on the death or incompetency of the Member.