
硅谷维立 硅谷生活家 1/19

编者按:不久前,我和The Sian Podcast的主持人马姗姗进行了一场对话。The Sian Podcast是一个以讲故事的方式来记录中国移民的生活以促进第一代和第二代移民之间交流的英文播客。我们在对话中谈到追求快乐、终身学习、以及怎样和女儿进行有趣的谈话。以下是对话的音频及对话记录的中文翻译和英文原文(略有删节)。欢迎访问http://www.thesianpodcast.com收听更多姗姗主持的节目。


维立:当然可以。我是一个科技工作者。我在中国接受大学教育,然后来到美国读研究生。我的专业是数学和工程,我在硅谷高科技公司工作了20多年。但是我对跟技术无关的知识也很有兴趣。我读很多书,也喜欢写作。我目前写两个博客,一个是中文的,即微信公众号“硅谷生活家”,另一个是英文的,标题是An Asian Perspective(亚洲视角)(http://anasianperspective.medium.com)。

















































Shanshan Ma: Hey, Victoria, welcome to the podcast. Could you share a little bit about yourself to our audience?

Victoria: Sure. I am a technologist. I received my college education in China and then I came to the United States to go to graduate school. My education was in math and engineering, and I worked for Silicon Valley high tech companies for more than 20 years. But I also have a big appetite for the non-technical side of human knowledge. I read a lot of books and I like to write. I currently write two blogs. One in Chinese, which is the WeChat official account called 硅谷生活家. I also write an English blog, under the title of An Asian perspective.

Shanshan: Awesome. I actually learned about you from your Chinese blog on WeChat. One of the articles really left me a great impression is about what is truly priceless in an era of excessive material and in asociety that’s somewhat driven by materialism. I think you talked about the definition of happiness through your interaction with your daughter. Could you share a bit more about that article? What is truly valuable in the society that we are currently living in?

Victoria: Yeah. One topic I wanted to address in this article is that how we can find happiness. Happiness is something that we are all obsessed with. It has a very interesting attribute which makes it a little different from the other goals. For example, if you want to become rich, then you work hard. But happiness is not something that you work harder, and you want it more and then you’re more likely to get it.

Sometimes it’s the other way around. There is some scientific research which shows that the more you want to be happy, the further you are from your goal. So happiness itself shouldn’t be a goal in life. Rather, it should be a by product of your other pursuits in life.

So that’s some point I made in this article, and I think this probably resonates with a lot of people.

Shanshan: Yeah. I remember very vividly about the article where you were talking about how your daughter was going around in the streets of New York City and pointed out things that she really wanted to experience and try, and that’s what makes her happy. Could you share about your philosophy in approaching happiness?

Victoria: Sure. There are many different ways to achieve happiness. If you have a lot of interests in life and if you’re very curious about your surroundings, then you are more likely to be happy in life. So that’s what I saw in my daughter, when she mentioned that “see? There are so many restaurants, coffee shops and bookstores I want to explore”, and I think it’s a very good sign.

I quoted from Bertrand Russell in this article. He wrote a book, the conquest of happiness. He listed many different ways that you can achieve happiness.

He said, if you take a walk in the countryside, and you will see birds and you will see plants and you will see rocks on the road. And if you are interested in some of them, then your walk will be full of delight. And if you are not interested in any of these things, then you will probably be bored. A person who is full of delight is happier than the person who is bored. So I think it’s a very good quality if this person has a lot of interest in things around him or her.

Shanshan: Yeah. You talked about your interaction with your daughter. You two have a very deep relationship where you two can have many types of conversations around art, literature, philosophy, or even politics. How do you cultivate her interest so that you guys can continue to have such fun conversations? Maybe share some of the interesting conversations you’ve had with your daughter?

Victoria: Sure. We have lots of interesting conversations. We talk about movies, books, politics, or office politics, and so on. I’ll give you an example. Earlier this year, there was a lot of social unrest, right? There were the protests against racial injustice. My daughter is also very interested in this topic. So she organized a zoom session with five or six ofher friends and asked me to join them. I was a little surprised, and secretly, extremely pleased. Because we are first generation immigrants and we speak English with an accent and our children are sometimes embarrassed about us. I was flattered that she wanted to include me in her discussion with her friends.

I accepted the invitation and joined the discussion. During the discussion, she even directed the question to me a few times. She was like, hey mom, what do you think of that? She got me involved even deeper into the conversation than I originally thought I would. After the discussion, some of her friends told her that your mom is really cool. And of course, she passed the message to me immediately.

After the first discussion, she organized a few more, each focusing on one particular social issue. I joined all of them.

Shanshan: That is simply amazing action that she did. In her growth, what were the things you did to cultivate her interest to do things like this, like even host a roundtable discussion with her friends?

Victoria: It’s not easy to be a good parent nowadays, right? My daughter and I also have our share of problems. It’s not all smooth. But basically, we have a good relationship, and I’m very grateful for that. There are a couple of things that I always keep in mind. One thing is that we should have a lot of respect for our children. They are not our extensions. They are independent individuals with free will. I’m not very interested in the kind of teaching which implies that we should try to shape them into the way we want them to be.

The respect for children should start from the very beginning. It doesn’t start suddenly when they are 18 and turn into an adult. Of course, when they are young, they are very dependent on us and they don’t seem to know much. They couldn’t make big decisions. But there are things they can make decisions for. For example, if you go shopping to buy an outfit, they can decide what they want to buy. If we are traveling, I let her pack her luggage, so she decides what she wants to bring to the trip. I let her make all these decisions. Of course, I was always there to help her if she needed my help, but I didn’t offer help if she didn’t ask me.

These are all small things which are completely within their capacity. If they do make the wrong decision, the consequences are relatively inconsequential. So let them make the decision, that’s how they practice decision-making and grow into a more independent and well-rounded adult. In the meantime, when you are doing that, you also have a healthy relationship with your kids because you respect each other and trust each other’s judgment.

Shanshan: Yeah, that’s awesome. Treat them like independent little people ever since the beginning and help you foster that trustworthy and healthy relationship. That’s gonna really help the transition into the more difficult phases like teenage years.

You also mentioned that when you are having conversation with your daughter, it is not always smooth. I wonder if there are some cases where you and your daughter engaged in a somewhat heated conversation where you or her opinion was changed based on that conversation?

Victoria: When we talk about politics, sometimes we have different opinions. For example, the Black Lives Matter movement. My opinion was that even though I support this movement, the violence in the movements shouldn’t be tolerated.

But my daughter has a more radical opinion. She feels that if you cannot solve a problem in the normal way or the conventional way doesn’twork, then it’s okay to resort to something which is more radical, maybe illegal or even violent. Because that’s how you get people’s attention and get things done. I don’t agree with her, but I didn’t really try to change her opinion. We just express our points of view, and we explain why we have this point of view.

The same is true when I write blogs. Whenever it’s about a controversial topic, there are always a lot of people who don’t agree with me. That’s totally fine. People’s opinion would not be changed because you tell them to change. It’s a long and gradual process. I feel that if I wrote something, and people read it, it left some impression in their mind. Later on, maybe it would play some role.

With my daughter, especially when it comes to politics, we didn’t try to change each other’s opinion. And this change of opinion didn’t happen under my eyes.

Shanshan: Yeah, I think that’s a really solid point that you made there. When you have a conversation with your daughter, or when you are communicating your point of view from the articles you wrote, it’s not about convincing people. It’s really about expressing your point of view, which is of tremendous value. I have read some of your articles. I think it is some fantastic writing that you have shared with the community.

And also, I learned that many of your articles that you wrote are based on your own interest. You’ve spent a lot of time indulging in exploring human knowledge just to satisfy your own curiosity. And that is the basis of a lot of the articles you shared. I wonder what motivates you to do this and to expand your learning and really share that back to the community?

Victoria: Yeah, very good question. I have always liked reading all sorts of useless books. When I was a kid, if I saw a piece of paper with words on it, I would pick it up and read it. I always liked to read. I didn’t think of it in terms of expanding my horizons or satisfying my curiosity or gaining knowledge. I just liked it.

After I came to the United States, all of a sudden, I had so many more books that are available to me. The library is so convenient. I used the awards and bestseller lists as my road map to guide me through. So I have been doing this all these years. It’s just a hobby. But in recent years, I started to feel that in addition to just reading aimlessly, maybe I can focus a little bit more on some specific fields.

The more you read, the more you realize how much more knowledge is out there. And also, as our children grow up, and we see how they are receiving their education, I started to realize how flawed, how limited our education was. We just focused on technical study. Our education in the liberal arts, like the humanities, social science is very limited.

So now my plan is to take maybe one course in the community college nearby each year. So I just pick one class, and then I get exposed to a new area. After the class is over, then I opened my eyes to this area. If I become more interested and then I do some study on my own and explore it further in my own time.

Shanshan: Yeah, that’s fantastic. One thing you said that really resonated with me is the more you read, the more you learn, the more you realize there is so much more to learn out there. And then you started to see the need to be more systematic.

You also mentioned that it’s almost like a learning journey and learning with your daughter, because you see how she is learning and growing herself by being exposed to all these different subjects. And you see for yourself there is a need for that.

You mentioned something interesting, which is that many of the first-generation immigrants were educated in China all the way through college. It made us very specialized in certain areas, especially technical areas. Some people might not even think that’s a problem. People are able to make a good living, earn a comfortable lifestyle with the technical training that people received over the years. From your perspective, why is that a problem?

Victoria: I wouldn’t say it’s a problem. I agree that many people are doing really well without trying to do all these things. It’s perfectly fine. There are different ways to live your life.

But in terms of whether it’s useful, I can see it being useful in a couple of different ways. One way is to help your relationship with your children. That goes back to what we talked about earlier. We didn’t grow up here, and we didn’t have exposure to the popular culture here when we were growing up. If we don’t learn it after coming here, we may not have a lot of common interests with our children. When they’re growing older, their horizon is expanding, so they are no longer satisfied with having the very limited conversation with us. It would be very helpful or useful to know their world.

You don’t have to know everything of course. Everybody only has a limited bandwidth. But at least you know some of them, then it’s easier for you to connect with your children.

Another way I can think of, for example, is career development. A lot of our fellow immigrants are doing fine, but we also complain that there is a glass ceiling or bamboo ceiling that prevents us from rising to the top. So, a liberal arts education, I think it can help us in our career as well.

When you have reached a certain stage of your career, your performance is more dependent on your ability to build relationships. How do you build relationships with people around you? I am by no means an expert on that. But what I know is that when you have common background, common experience, common knowledge, it’s easier for you to connect and to trust each other. That’s just my speculation, but I feel it’s probably true that our lack of a liberal arts education is one reason that very few of us rise to the top. That’s another area where this kind of exploration can be useful.

Shanshan: Yeah, that’s a very good observation. I really like your take on this. You talked about learning in such a fun attitude. But for some other people learning could be a somewhat heavy topic. What are the things they can do to make it more exciting or make it more fun so that it’s not a chore or a demand, but it’s something that is proactively interesting to


Victoria: There are two types of learning. The first type of learning is the forced type of learning. You have to learn something in order to acquire some skills. But it could be fun. When you are getting really good at something, it can become really interesting. I have done my share of that kind of learning in my life. It’s not supposed to be fun, but it could be fun. I had some fun.

The other type of learning is totally voluntary, it’s the type of learning that we have been talking about today. I’m doing it for my own sake. Nobody is forcing it. The interesting thing is, though, that you also want to kind of work hard on it. If you work hard to achieve something, the achievement is all the more sweet. But on the other hand, you don’t want the experience to be too painful and stressful, so you want to strike the right balance.

In terms of advice, if you have to learn something in order to become a gainfully employed and independent individual, then no matter how hard it is, suck it up. You have to do it. You will be rewarded, but it might become more fun down the road. If you are learning something not for a specific purpose but just for fun, then you just have to find the right balance for yourself and enjoy it.

Shanshan: It’s really about your own terms, depending on your own interest. So the other question comes to my mind is you know learning can be done by so many types of channels so many different types of media. You are a content creator yourself in this new “we media” age, how does social media play a role in your learning activities?

Victoria: I have always had a rather reserved attitude towards social media. Sure, it makes it easier to connect with people, but it also wastes a lot of your time and exposes you to a lot of nonsense. There is good content on social media. I’m not saying that there are not, and they have the advantage of being very up to date, because they can be published immediately. And they are easier to digest, so social media still has these advantages. You just have to be very selective on what you choose to read.

Shanshan: You mentioned about being selective and people are. People begin to only read what they want to hear, things that they agree with. So that almost created some sort of knowledge bubble or understanding bubble, because they are constantly being reinforced in their ownpoint of view.

Victoria: Exactly. So if you use a more traditional way of learning, you avoid some of these problems because they are better researched and they are usually more balanced.

I think some of the social media contents, they obviously have really poor quality. I don’t think people reading them don’t know that. But because they have this very strong emotion, for which they want to find the outlet, that’s why they read it, they feel good when they hear people saying things they want to hear. Their goal is not to learn things and to gain knowledge. Their goal is to have an emotional catharsis.

Shanshan: you’re right, I think that’s a very spot-on observation, I think it’s an intentional choice that people make.

Besides books you also shared a list of movies for people to enjoy during this extended quarantine. I wonder in your own judgment, why do you recommend our list of movies and what is a good movie to you.

Victoria: For me, a good movie, first of all has to be entertaining. I think it’s more important than anything else, whether it teaches you the right message, so it should have a good story and should have the ability to draw you in. And after you’re finished watching it, you should be able to say hey I had a good time. So the next question is more difficult, why some movies are more entertaining to me. It’s kind of hard to say I don’t have a short and clear answer. I know that I like the movie to be sincere. Humor helps. Visually pleasing is another plus. There are so many things that can makea movie a success or failure.

Shanshan: Sounds like you have different ways to approach books versus movies. For your movie is really a means for entertainment but for books, you would take the extra time and effort to learn something new from the book, rather than just use it as a pure entertainment channel.

Victoria: Yes, yes.

Shanshan: Fantastic. Do you have any parting words to our audience? Really fun conversation and really appreciate the perspectives you shared with us today.

Victoria: Yeah, same here. I really enjoyed talking to you too.

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